Clips and pics of Pete Thomas playing jazz

Clips from the Festival Django Reinhardt featuring Harry Diplock and the London Django Collective

France, Jul 2024


Posters for the upcoming Ryde Gypsy Jazz Festival
See the Upcoming Gigs page to book
or the Discography page to buy/stream
Feb 2024


Matt Holborn (violin), Pete Thomas and Harry Diplock

©Ben Danzig, 2024
Reviews and links to stream/purchase the
Harry Diplock Trio's debut album
are on the Discography page

The Harry Diplock Trio (Harry, Pete & Rémi Oswald)

plus friends Matt Holborn & Giacomo Smith

launch their debut album at Green Note
Links to stream or purchase are on the Discography page
Oct 2023


The Jimmy Rosenberg Quartet performed

at the Toulouse Lautreq jazz club in London,
though without Jimmy Rosenberg himself as he was ill.
Harry Diplock took his place.
Oct 2023


Fanou Torracinta, Pete Thomas and Harry Diplock
perform at The Boulevard, Soho
July 2023


Fanou Torracinta, Pete Thomas and Harry Diplock

perform Erbarme Dich at Green Note, London
July 2023


Samples of Matt Holborn (top) and Harry Diplock playing material from
the London Django Collective's EP Fiver
June 2023


The Guitarist magazine has a feature on Django Reinhardt

this month including a contribution from Harry Diplock

Feb 2023


Harry Diplock, Rémi Oswald and Pete Thomas perform

gypsy jazz including Viper's Dream (lowest video) by Django Reinhardt
Green Note, London, Jan 2023

The trio are recording an album together in the spring!


The London Django Collective captured in cartoon form by @oldtook
playing a fragment of It Passed Me By, by the LDC's Jeremie Coullon
Dec 2022


Harry Diplock, Pete Thomas and others
Chez George and l'Apostrophe, Paris
Nov 2022

Harry Diplock, Pete Thomas and Honey Boulton as a trio

at Green Note, London
Oct 2022


The London Django Collective perform Samoreau
at Epsom Jazz Club
Oct 2022


Harry Diplock, Remi Oswald, Edouard Pennes and Pete Thomas
play a segment of China Boy
Paris, Oct 2022


The London Django Collective at Ronnie Scott's
Top pic ©Adrian Cox, others ©Miriam Gallea
Nov 2021


The London Django Collective perform at the Cable Café, London
for a Good Evening Arts event
October 2021

London Django Collective performing Django Reinhart's Tiger
Toulouse Lautrec, Aug 2021
(Matt Holborn is performing a violin solo)


The London Django Collective play their first gig

since Covid-lockdown for a musicians' charity.
Click to contribute to Help Musicians UK or to
the fund to pay musicians performing in the series.

St Mary's Tower, London
Aug 2020

Pete Thomas and Andrea Todesco discuss composing

music for the performance of Ayenai's Living Here?

March 2020


Dance performers Ayenai perform Living Here? at The Vaults, London

Andrea Todesco and Pete Thomas provide the music

March 2020


Cafe Manouche perform at the Spice of Life bar, London

March 2020


Natalia Amy Douglas leads a selection of top jazz musicians

in celebrating the leap year at Tolouse Lautrec Jazz Club

29th February 2020


Pete Thomas (immediately above) at Kansas Smitty's,

performing as part of the Nocturne Trio

Jan 2020


Giacomo Smith joins the Nocturne Trio at Kansas Smitty's

Here they play Viper's Dream Jan 2020