Clips and pics of Pete Thomas playing blues music
Click the MP3s to play in new window or right click to download.
The Tom Michell Trio play Ain't Goin' Nowhere at the Little Angel
The Tom Michell Trio cover Ezy Rider by Jimi Hendrix at the Little Angel as part of Henley's Jazz & Blues week
With Tom Michell at the Vic, Henley, October 2013. (Click to enlarge)
With Tom Sibly at the Vic, Henley, October 2013. (Click to enlarge)
A short clip of the Tom Michell Trio gig at the Vic, Henley
Highlights from the Tom Michell Trio at a gig at The Crown, Nuffield
With the Tom Michell Trio at the Kenton Theatre, Henley, June 28 2013
Click picture to enlarge. Photograph by Katy Mealing
Played with Flipside Jack
MP3 audio file [3.2 MB]
Recent rhythm and blues/blues rock
Rhythm and blues/blues rock 2018-19
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